How to Handle Time Pressure at Weddings: Tips for Photographers and Videographers.

Today we're talking about something I think we've all faced at some point—feeling rushed while shooting a wedding, especially when you're at a special location like a homestead or a winery.

Picture this: The wedding coordinator comes over and nudges you to wrap it up because the evening's festivities are about to start. But you're still trying to get those perfect shots or that magic moment on video, right? Your heart's pounding, you're feeling the pressure, but here's the deal—before you get upset, take a deep breath.

Remember to approach the coordinator calmly and explain that you haven't yet captured the shots that the couple really, really want. Let them know that you're not just dragging your feet—you're trying to do right by the couple who's hired you.

It's easy to feel like what you're doing is the most important job in the room, but the truth is, everyone's got a role to play to make this day special. The coordinator is under pressure too, as is everyone else involved in the event.

So next time you find yourself in this situation, be proactive. Clear communication is key. Maybe even work out a signal with the coordinator for when you absolutely need more time so that you're not butting heads.

We're all in this together, guys, aiming for the same goal: to make the couple's day as unforgettable as possible. And that requires teamwork. So let's help each other out and make some incredible memories for our clients


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