bride and groom dancing ther bridal watlz

In the vibrant, bustling heart of the city, amidst the whirlwind of protests and public outcry, Aidan and Mia found a serene oasis in each other's company. Their love was a striking contrast to the chaos around them, evident in every tender look and gentle touch. Aidan's eyes, filled with adoration, never strayed far from Mia, whose radiant smile lit up the tumultuous surroundings.

Their wedding, a harmonious blend of elegance and modern style, unfolded like a dream. It began with a uniquely stylish event - a glamorous chuppa, symbolising their shared tastes and the simple joys they found in each other's presence. This intimate gathering, set against the backdrop of urban unrest, highlighted the strength and beauty of their bond.

The reception that followed was a heartfelt celebration, surrounded by the warmth of family and close friends. Laughter and love filled the air as touching speeches were made, each word resonating with the depth of emotion and the journey that brought Aidan and Mia together. In this moment of unity and joy, the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the enchanting aura of their love, a beacon of hope and beauty amidst the turmoil.


Samuel and Marnie


Jamie and Jasmin